
PK 111: Making The Most of Your Time in Art School – Interview With Concept Artist, Cathleen McAllister

Making the most of your time in art school might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you’d be surprised at how many students finish their studies without the right skills to pursue a creative career.
In this week’s podcast, we speak to visual development and concept artist, Cathleen McAllister. Despite only finishing art school this year, she’s already landed herself a job at Reel FX.
So how did she do it? Find out in this week’s podcast…

PK 109: How to Create Your Own Comic Books – With Fright Comics Founder, Alex Banchitta

Want to know how to create your own comic books? In this interview with Fright Comics founder, Alex Banchitta, you’ll learn exactly what it takes to get your dream project off the ground and into publication.
Thanks to his insights into the comic book industry, you’ll discover what you really need to be doing…and how to avoid the pitfalls that stop many potentially great comic book projects in their tracks.

PK 103: Should You Be Exhibiting at Art Conventions?

Should you be exhibiting at art conventions? If you’ve got a strong body of work which has been well received so far, the next logical step might be to get a stall at your local art convention…
But what is this experience really like first time around? In this podcast, we speak to Kevin Chin, an artist who has recently shown his work at conventions across the USA. So read on if you want the inside story on what it’s really like to show your art to other people for the first time…